How to write an Object-Oriented Program?





Using Functions

Using Class

Class: Attributes and Methods


Part 1: Defining Class

Access Modifiers

declaration and initialization of attributes

declaration of methods

Part 2: using class in the main function

Creating an object

Accessing data members



This tutorial aims to give you a basic understanding of class and how it is used in object-oriented programming.


Let’s suppose we have a list of many (probably 1000s) newly discovered exoplanets, and we are interested in predicting whether these Planets lie in a habitable zone or not.


For each Planet, we are given the following parameters:

·      Name of the Planet

·      The radius of the Planet’s Orbit

·      Associated Star Name

·      Mass of the Star


A planet may be habitable if the radius of the Orbit of the Planet relative to Earth is:


a) > (Mass of the Star relative to Sun-0.1)


b) < (Mass of the star relative to sun-0.2)/0.1


 For more details, refer to (Seager 2013) DOI: 10.1126/science.1232226


To write a program for such a problem. We first need to calculate the exoplanet:

·      Relative Radius of Orbit and

·      Relative Mass of Planet with respect to Earth.


 And then checking whether it is in a habitable zone.


 So, we will have the following different methods/ functions.

 relative_orbit(): to calculate the relative Orbit of the Planet with respect to Earth.

 relative_mass(): to calculate the relative mass of the associated Star with respect to the Sun.

 check_habitable(): to check the condition whether it is habitable or not.


Now we can have two approaches to solve this problem:

Approach 1: using functions (without class)

Approach2: using class





One way to program this problem is to use functions. First define two functions, relative_orbit() and relative_mass(), and call these functions for each Planet to calculate relative orbit radius and relative mass of Star. But in that case, we will have to declare and initialize variables for each Planet. So, if we have 1000 planets, we will have 1000*4=4000 initialization.


Refer to the Function tutorial for more detail. The code will look something like this


#include <iostream>




double relative_orbit(double orbit_radius) //


    double Earth_orbit=149.6e6;

    return orbit_radius/Earth_orbit;


double relative_mass(double mass)


    double Sun_mass=1.989e30;

    return mass/Sun_mass;



std::string check_habitable(double rorbit, double rmass)


    std::string status;

    if (rorbit>(rmass-0.1) && rorbit<((rmass-0.2)/0.1))








    return status;





int main()


    //Declaring and initializing variable



    std::string Planet1_name="X3f5";

    std::string Star1_name="FF43";

    double Planet1_orbit=150.8e6;

    double Star1_mass=6.7e29;


    std::string Planet2_name="H2k1";

    std::string Star2_name="XJ85";

    double Planet2_orbit=150.8e7;

    double Star2_mass=6.7e27;





    //…..and so on for all each Planet! This will be time-consuming and



    //Now, we can call our two functions to calculate relative Orbit and mass.

    //we have to define this function later


    double Planet1_rorbit=relative_orbit(Planet1_orbit);

    double Star1_rmass=relative_mass(Star1_mass);


    std::string Planet1_status=check_habitable(Planet1_rorbit,Star1_rmass);


    std::cout<<"Planet "<<Planet1_name<< " may be a "<<Planet1_status<<std::endl;



    double Planet2_rorbit=relative_orbit(Planet2_orbit);

    double Star2_rmass=relative_mass(Star2_mass);


    std::string Planet2_status=check_habitable(Planet2_rorbit,Star2_rmass);


    std::cout<<"Planet "<<Planet2_name<< " may be a "<<Planet2_status<<std::endl;


    ///similar statement can be written for  each exoplanet






Note that using the function here will be inefficient and lengthy. The readability of the code will also be affected.



Let’s see how we can use class to solve the same problem and reduce the bulk of code.



 class in object-oriented programming is used to create a blueprint or prototype of an object.

 For example, a car is an object. An object has attributes (Characteristics) and methods (functions).

** method are fancier name for function when used within class. 

 Characteristics like: Brand name, Model name, Engine Type, and Automatic/ Manual.

 Functions like: Brake, Start/Stop, Accelerate, etc.


Similarly, in our case, we can also define a class to create each Planet as an object.

Our planet object should also have certain attributes (or we can say specific characteristics like Name, radius of orbit, Name of associated star, Mass of the star) and some method (or functions like calculating relative radius and calculating relative mass, etc.)

We need to define a class to create a blueprint for this object.



#include <iostream>


pre-processor directive for input-output stream library




using namespace std;


Since we are using string, cout, etc., functions, which are part of the standard (std) library, so, we must mention the namespace. (which is nothing, but a declarative region used to group classes, objects, or function under a name. In our case, functions like string, cout, and endl all belong under the std namespace.)


Ever object-oriented code can be separated into two parts:


First part:  Definition of class.

Second part: the main function to use the class.



Part 1: Defining Class


class Planet //class keyword is used to define a class followed by its name.


{          //starting of class




 Access Modifiers are an important aspect of object-oriented programming to implement data hiding. Think of a car as an example of an object. It has attributes(characteristics) and method(functionality). Notice that not all the functionality of the car are accessible to us. Although it may be necessary for the functioning of a car, the manufacturer often keeps it safe and hidden. For example, we can accelerate a car by pressing an accelerator. Still, many mechanisms used for such car acceleration are hidden from us, and we cannot modify them.



     Similarly, Object Oriented programming allow to hide certain attributes or methods. There are three types of access modifiers in C++

     1. private: data members, i.e., attributes and methods, are not accessible outside the class

     2. public: data members are accessible outside the class

     3. protected: like Private but can be accessed with the help of a friend class.







    double Earth_orbit=149.6e6;

    double Sun_mass=1.989e30;




    string Name; //to store the name of Planet

    string Star_name; // to store the name of Star associated with Planet

    double Orbit;  // to store the radius of Orbit

    double Star_Mass; // to store the mass of Star

    string Status;  // to store habitable status




Since we are defining Earth_orbit and Sun_mass as private, they will not be accessible outside the class.  








    double relative_orbit()  //method to calculate the relative radius of orbit


        return Orbit/Earth_orbit;




    double relative_mass()  // method to calculate the relative mass of Star



        return Star_Mass/Sun_mass;



    string check_habitable(double rorbit, double rmass) //checking the condition

    //if it is habitable or not.



        if (rorbit>(rmass-0.1) && rorbit<((rmass-0.2)/0.1))








        return Status;





    void print_status() // method to print the status on screen


        cout<<"Planet "<<Name<<" may be "<< Status<<endl;



}; // end class with curly bracket and semicolon







int main()


    double relative_orbit;    // to store the calculated relative orbit

    double relative_mass;     // to store the calculated relative mass





    Planet Planet1;   // creating an object called Planet1





We can access the attributes of an object using object.attributes. Note we cannot access Planet1.Earth_orbit because it is set to private.







    // similarly, we can access the method as an object.method()



    Planet1.check_habitable(relative_orbit, relative_mass);



    Planet Planet2;







    Planet2.check_habitable(relative_orbit, relative_mass);



}  // end of main function




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